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Help us keep our program going. We give out free radios to new licensees while providing all our education programs free of charge.
Or use a regular credit card using this link Regular Credit Card
Fundraisers: Campsite Renovation/Conversion to a STEM Classroom
~$100k, Camp La-No-Che, Paisley, FL
We're working to convert a small campsite area in to a STEM area.
The existing activity shelter would be converted to a dedicated classroom with
a ham-shack and storage room, also room for a 200ft tower to cover the entire camp
and upgrade their existing staff repeater range. Funding-wise this would be the
fastest option and we could move forward this year.
This trailer will help expand our program and make it more mobile, for troop/youth group
locations as well as eliminate the headaches we currently have of several volunteers having to
bring gear to each event. Without permanent storage space at camp, nor a dedicated storage unit,
our volunteers currently store all our youth club equipment.
We offer the BSA Radio Merit badge (BSA), ARRL Wireless award (GSUSA) and assist youth with FCC
licensure. With quarterly events we expose about 10,000 youth to STEM and Amateur radio
demonstrations per year.
We are reaching out to any groups that may help or know of donors to raise about $5k to cover the
trailer cost and interior setup. We already have most of the equipment to go inside it.
We’ve offered a free HT to newly licensed scouts since our program, usually the Baefeng UV-5r or
UV-82. This year we’re expanding our program to offer it nationally. We’ve teamed up with
Gigaparts to offer the QRZ-1 Explorer Radio, expanding the New Ham Program for all scouts in the US.
Scouts should contact us at
RadioScoutingUS@RadioScouting.US with their newly issued callsign.
The fine print:
WB4SA Radio Scouting HT Terms and Conditions
This program is for US-licensed Amateur radio operators, youth involved in scouting under age 18.
Applications must be submitted within 6 months of the license issuance date.
Applicants may be required to provide a government-issued photo or school ID. This information is not shared or exchanged with any party and is used only to validate eligibility under this program.
Once the application is approved, the applicant will have 30 days to use their unique coupon code at
All New Ham Welcome Packages will be shipped by Gigaparts.
You may be charged shipping costs, while the radio is itself will be free.
You may purchase additional accessories at your own cost in the order.
Only one WB4SA Radio Scouting HT per operator will be issued.
The contents of the New Ham Jumpstart Package are subject to change at any time.
Available as long as supplies last.
This program is funded by WB4SA Radio Scouting, Inc. and dependant on donations to cover the costs.
Additional shipping charges may apply when shipped outside of the contiguous 48 states.
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